Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dunes Trip 09

A rainy day in Lafayette turned out to be a gorgeous day at Indiana Dunes State Park. Another great Dunes trip! The purpose of this trip is really quite simple: enjoy the outdoors, enjoy one another, enjoy God and the life He has given.

Ready for the ride. It's about a two hour drive to the state park from the church. We had another 15 people or so meet up with us at the Dunes.

Chillin' (and roastin') on the beach.

Cory painted the hood of her vehicle with chalkboard paint. She decorated it up to celebrate the Dunes Trip.

After an initial shock, the water temperature was actually quite tolerable, even bordering on enjoyable. :)

Duncan digs out. He was buried vertically in the sand up to his chin.

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