Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Youth Activities

Tuesday nights this summer are "Ultimate Nights." We play some ultimate Frisbee, swim in Greg and Millie Mitchell's super-refreshing salt-water pool, and talk to the Ultimate One (i.e., we pray). We have also had some team-building and Bible study meetings with our Youth Leadership Team. (The Youth Leadership Team is comprised of 6 youth and 4 adults who have the responsibility of shaping the overall programming and curriculum of the CPC Youth ministries.)

The glorious pool!

Some team members try to assist an unconscious victim in the team-building activity called "Nuclear Holocaust."

A competitor prepares to hit the water for the "Biggest Splash" contest.

The Youth Leadership Team is reading through the book of Proverbs this summer.

Meeting at the home of Tom and Jennifer Pimmler.

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