Thursday, December 10, 2009

CPC Children's Christmas Pageant 2009

On December 6th, 2009, the children of Central Presbyterian Church performed a "Sing a Song of Christmas" pageant. They sang their hearts out and did a stellar job! After enjoying the pageant, we all shared in a wonderful meal.
The show in full swing.

"Sing a song of Christmas, sing of peace on the earth..."

The angels tell the Christmas story.

At rehearsal. Some of the leaders (from left to right): Pam Young, Patti Foster, Annalise Drake, Aura Emsweller.

The seating was dinner-theater-style. Allison Donaldson headed up a team to provide a delicious meal immediately following the pageant.
Great job, kids!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Youth Paintball Outing

There's no better way to show Christian love than to try to inflict maximum pain on one another with paintballs! (Well, almost no better way, maybe.)

Youth Lock-In

The Youth were "locked-in" to the church from 10:00p to 9:00a on Oct 16-17. Games, snacks, food, a discussion on persecuted Christians, and even a few minutes sleep were shared by all.
Most of our games were played in the dark and therefore did not lend themselves to photography. We coud take a picture of basketball, though.

No Lock-In is complete without pizza.

The girls compete in a game of Scattergories.

Harvest Party 09

Our fourth annual "Neighborhood Harvest Party" was another resounding success. Headed up by our Children's Ministry Coordinator, Patti Foster, we had close to 200 hundred people come and enjoy the festivities. Caroline Parker plays "Mega Ball."

"Amazon John" of Silly Safaris entertains the crowd.

Our gym was tranformed into carnival-central.

Katie Pimmler does some face painting.

We had two "Big Bounces"--one for the older kids and one for the little tikes.

Hunger Hike 09

Several of our families and youth participated in the annual Hunger Hike. We were able to raise over $500 to donate to local food banks.

Posing with an aardvark from Texas Roadhouse.

On the walk.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Montreat Youth Conference

Ten teens, four adults, and one two-year-old travelled from Central to attend "Youth Week V" at Montreat Conference Center in Montreat, NC. There were over a thousand other teenagers there that week (July 26-Aug 1). We rented a house in the mountains, enjoyed the beauty of the place, participated in the warm spirit of the conference, and heard several stirring messages which challenged us to put our Christian faith into practice. "World On Fire" was the theme of the conference, and we were called to help fight the wildfires that rage in our world (global warming, poverty, oppression, discrimination, etc.). We really bonded with each other and with other high schoolers from around the country. We hope to go back to Montreat again soon.

Lake Susan on a rainy day.

The youth using a giant umbrella they made out of a sheet.

Candlelight service by the lake on the last night of the conference.

Our Group (L to R): Andrew Meeks, Peg Wier, Allen Bol, Victoria Smith, Austin Hartz, Kate Wier, Jacob Smutz, Tori Sauer, Darryl King, Hannah Sauer, Katie Pimmler, Chris Burgess, Tobias Tillett, Rita Tillett, Wes Tillett.

Over 1,000 high school students sing their hearts out to God in the assembly.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dunes Trip 09

A rainy day in Lafayette turned out to be a gorgeous day at Indiana Dunes State Park. Another great Dunes trip! The purpose of this trip is really quite simple: enjoy the outdoors, enjoy one another, enjoy God and the life He has given.

Ready for the ride. It's about a two hour drive to the state park from the church. We had another 15 people or so meet up with us at the Dunes.

Chillin' (and roastin') on the beach.

Cory painted the hood of her vehicle with chalkboard paint. She decorated it up to celebrate the Dunes Trip.

After an initial shock, the water temperature was actually quite tolerable, even bordering on enjoyable. :)

Duncan digs out. He was buried vertically in the sand up to his chin.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Youth Activities

Tuesday nights this summer are "Ultimate Nights." We play some ultimate Frisbee, swim in Greg and Millie Mitchell's super-refreshing salt-water pool, and talk to the Ultimate One (i.e., we pray). We have also had some team-building and Bible study meetings with our Youth Leadership Team. (The Youth Leadership Team is comprised of 6 youth and 4 adults who have the responsibility of shaping the overall programming and curriculum of the CPC Youth ministries.)

The glorious pool!

Some team members try to assist an unconscious victim in the team-building activity called "Nuclear Holocaust."

A competitor prepares to hit the water for the "Biggest Splash" contest.

The Youth Leadership Team is reading through the book of Proverbs this summer.

Meeting at the home of Tom and Jennifer Pimmler.

Mission Trip to Appalachia

On May 27-31, 2009, an intergenerational team of us headed out from Lafayette to Hazard, KY, six hours away. We partnered with the Housing Development Alliance to help construct a new home for a family in need of better housing. This hilly region in southeastern Kentucky is one of the poorest areas in the USA. But we found the people of Kentucky to be rich in spirit, as they kept us laughing, thinking, working, and learning.
The 2009 Mission to Appalachia Team: Brad Parker, Gabe Parker, Annette Brehm, Aaron Brehm, Emma Brehm, Paul Spurgeon, and Wes Tillett.

This is what building site looked like when we showed up.

Here's what we were able to accomplish in our 2.5 days of work

We pounded hundreds of nails as we put down the floor joists and subfloor, built exterior and interior walls, and constructed the porches. It was hard work but we enjoyed it. We also enjoyed getting to know one another, exploring a bit of what the Hazard area had to offer, and gathering for times of Scripture reading, discussion, and prayer.

All in all, it was an extremely positive experience—one we all feel blessed to have been a part of.

Youth Year-End Fiesta

We celebrated the end of the school year by having a "fiesta" at Youth Group. Perhaps the most important lesson learned that evening was this: if you are going to have a jalepeno-pepper-eating contest, be sure to have lots of milk on hand to help douse the flames afterwards.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Water U Doing?" VBS Kick-Off Party

Our theme for Vacation Bible School this year is "Water U Doing?" We will focus on Jesus as the Living Water and on providing clean drinking water to children in Malawi (Africa). We are partnering with Trinity United Methodist Church, another church in downtown Lafayette. On April 19th we had a party to get recruitment and registration rolling for our June 14-19 VBS. We had Purdue students from the Engineers for World Health teaching the children about water conservation and purification. We had an African drum group--Cirque Afrique--entertaining us. We had free food. We had water-themed games. We had prizes. It was a blast! Our "Water U Doing?" VBS is going to be great!

Easter 2009

We celebrated Resurrection Day with all sorts of special additions--double bass, timpanis, trombone, trumpet, flute, saxophone, dancers, and streamers. Psalm 150 says basically to praise God with all that we've got. We attempted to do that on Easter morning. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! So we have to celebrate!
The photos below are courtesy of Katie Pimmler.