Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pie Auction Action

The youth conducted their annual fundraiser: auctioning home-made pies on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. The congregation responded with another display of astounding generosity, with individuals buying pies for up to $130 a piece. As a result the youth raised over $2900 in about 45 minutes! The money will be used to defray the expenses of the Youth Ski Trip (Jan 09), and as scholarship money for the high school retreat/camp at Montreat, NC (July 09).

A dazzling array of delicious pies made by our youth (with a little help from mom and/or dad, usually).

Our auctioneer, Dick Mills, interviews Chris Burgess about his pie. Dick has an uncanny ability to weave humor, enthusiasm, love, and a little guilt into his auctioneering. His lively performance helped make the Pie Auction enjoyable and successful.

Austin Hartz and Jacob Smutz enjoying the Pie Auction festivities.

Kathy Parker lovingly shoves a pie into the face of her husband as their son, Gabe, gleefully looks on.

Brad Parker was the lucky winner of the "Pie in the Face" contest. His wife (Kathy) and daughter (Allison) are there to help him celebrate his victory.

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