Monday, September 15, 2008

Youth Group Kick-Off: Hunger Hike Prep

Youth Group got kicked off for the year on September 14th. In preparation for the Hunger Hike, Lafayette Urban Ministries (LUM) asked the CPC Youth to wash water bottles. These bottles will be passed out as a promotional piece to the first 500 hikers at the Hunger Hike, which raises money for local food banks. The Youth will participate in the hike next week.
Colin Fogarty, Woody Archibald, and Austin Hartz at work. All 500 bottles and caps need to be sterilized before being passed out to the Hunger-Hikers.

Austin Bailey and Eric Beardmore getting it done.

Jonathan Hartz stacks bottles to dry. We certainly hope there will be a huge amount of community support for the Hunger Hike! Hunger is a real issue in this community, too.

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