Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Water U Doing?" VBS Kick-Off Party

Our theme for Vacation Bible School this year is "Water U Doing?" We will focus on Jesus as the Living Water and on providing clean drinking water to children in Malawi (Africa). We are partnering with Trinity United Methodist Church, another church in downtown Lafayette. On April 19th we had a party to get recruitment and registration rolling for our June 14-19 VBS. We had Purdue students from the Engineers for World Health teaching the children about water conservation and purification. We had an African drum group--Cirque Afrique--entertaining us. We had free food. We had water-themed games. We had prizes. It was a blast! Our "Water U Doing?" VBS is going to be great!

Easter 2009

We celebrated Resurrection Day with all sorts of special additions--double bass, timpanis, trombone, trumpet, flute, saxophone, dancers, and streamers. Psalm 150 says basically to praise God with all that we've got. We attempted to do that on Easter morning. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! So we have to celebrate!
The photos below are courtesy of Katie Pimmler.

Seder Meal

On Palm Sunday (April 5th, 2009), we held a symbolic Passover Meal. We learned about the basic rituals of this ancient Jewish feast and gave specific attention to how we reinterpret this meal in light of Jesus Christ. It was really educational and really a lot of fun.