Tuesday, March 2, 2010

30 Hour Famine 2010

The CPC Youth were joined by the Youth of Heartland Community Church for the 30 Hour Famine. This event, which benefits the Christian relief agency World Vision, raises awareness of and support for hungry children around the world. The youth went without solid food for 30 straight hours. During those hours they did various activities that taught them about the challenges faced by poor communities. This year the focus was on Ethiopia, where 1 out of every 2 kids do not get enough to eat. The youth also put together some "Hygiene Kits" for earthquake relief in Haiti. Through their efforts the CPC Youth raised $3810 to help fight hunger!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Super Bowl Party 2010

The Beardmore's once again demonstrated their fabulous hospitality by hosting the CPC Youth (and parents) for our Super Bowl Party. The Saints fan ended the night by celebrating, as did Eric and David Beardmore--the first and second-place finishers in the ping-pong tourney.

Youth Ski Trip 2010

We traveled to Bittersweet Ski Area (Otsego, MI) for a day of skiing, a night at a hotel, and a worship service in our hotel room.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

CPC Children's Christmas Pageant 2009

On December 6th, 2009, the children of Central Presbyterian Church performed a "Sing a Song of Christmas" pageant. They sang their hearts out and did a stellar job! After enjoying the pageant, we all shared in a wonderful meal.
The show in full swing.

"Sing a song of Christmas, sing of peace on the earth..."

The angels tell the Christmas story.

At rehearsal. Some of the leaders (from left to right): Pam Young, Patti Foster, Annalise Drake, Aura Emsweller.

The seating was dinner-theater-style. Allison Donaldson headed up a team to provide a delicious meal immediately following the pageant.
Great job, kids!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Youth Paintball Outing

There's no better way to show Christian love than to try to inflict maximum pain on one another with paintballs! (Well, almost no better way, maybe.)

Youth Lock-In

The Youth were "locked-in" to the church from 10:00p to 9:00a on Oct 16-17. Games, snacks, food, a discussion on persecuted Christians, and even a few minutes sleep were shared by all.
Most of our games were played in the dark and therefore did not lend themselves to photography. We coud take a picture of basketball, though.

No Lock-In is complete without pizza.

The girls compete in a game of Scattergories.

Harvest Party 09

Our fourth annual "Neighborhood Harvest Party" was another resounding success. Headed up by our Children's Ministry Coordinator, Patti Foster, we had close to 200 hundred people come and enjoy the festivities. Caroline Parker plays "Mega Ball."

"Amazon John" of Silly Safaris entertains the crowd.

Our gym was tranformed into carnival-central.

Katie Pimmler does some face painting.

We had two "Big Bounces"--one for the older kids and one for the little tikes.